CHF Canada Annual Meeting
CHF Canada Annual Meeting
CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting is held in a different Canadian city in the spring of each year.
Each AGM features:
- workshops and training and for co‑op members and managers
- a national business meeting with reports, resolutions, discussions and elections of the Board of Directors and Finance and Audit Committee.
- a meeting of CHF Canada’s Ontario Region, including reports, resolutions and election of the Ontario Council
- regional caucuses for members from BC, the Prairies, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces
- social events and networking opportunities
- a special networking session for emerging co‑op leaders (under 35), and
- simultaneous translation or a French-language alternative for all activities.
All CHF Canada members are encouraged to send at least one delegate to the AGM.
To help with the cost, CHF Canada offers a discounted delegate registration fee, help with delegate airfare costs and a wide range of registration options for other participants.